“Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand” - Don Norman

I do user-experience design, game design and audio-visual direction.

Currently, I do independent contract game development.


I am a game developer and user-experience designer who loves to craft an emotional connection in games.


I incorporate specially crafted audio visual feedback as well as iterative, result-oriented development techniques to craft an emotionally impactful user experience. 

My goal is to create beauty in all the ordinarily mundane user interactions.

Key Focus

UI/UX Development


Key Focus

Game Development


Key Focus

Audio Production and Film Editing


Recent Projects

Below are listed several highlighted projects that encapsulate the themes that underpin my work.


Gabb Global


Games Developed for Gabb Global, a startup which focuses on teaching users to speak another language through engaging educational mini-games on mobile and web platforms.

Gabb Global Blur.png

Strange Game


Strange Game is an electronic prototype of a game which focuses on warfighting, intra-war deterrence, and war termination once the nuclear threshold has been crossed.

earth from space.png

Luv is everywhere


Luv is everywhere is single player, electronic game developed in the Unity Engine. It focuses on re-contextualizing social media application systems for the sake of comedy.

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Hero’s Quest


Hero’s Quest started its life as a turned based strategy board game and ended its life as an electronic adaptation created in the Unity Engine.

game board rescent.png

Examples of Previous Work
